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To investigate all acts of wheat seedling destruction

Recently, Shandong, Henan, Hebei and other wheat production areas, “Cut green wheat as feed”phenomenon, causing public concern. This week, the wheat harvest is less than 20 days away, and the well-growing wheat crop is expected to have a good harvest this year. However, at the same time, the purchase price of silage for one mu of green wheat field is about 1,500 yuan, and it really got the farmers’hearts. 

In response, the Ministry of Agriculture and rural areas recently issued a notice, requiring all areas to fully investigate the wheat destruction start, silage wheat and other types of wheat destruction, pointed out to strengthen the protection of wheat fields, resolutely put an end to wheat destruction. However, it also said that ensuring food security and ensuring farmers’income increase should not go against each other. Local governments should make more practical efforts to ensure reasonable returns for grain farmers, strengthen farmers’confidence in increasing their income and making them rich, and help safeguard food security. 

Department of Agriculture and rural areas responsible for: a comprehensive investigation of all kinds of wheat destruction, to ensure summer grain storage.

In addition, according to a report on the official website of the Ministry of Agriculture and rural areas on the 10th, in response to recent media reports about wheat destruction in some places and the short video “Cutting green wheat for feed”circulating on the Internet, the head of the relevant department said that the Ministry of Agriculture and rural areas attaches great importance to this, “May 1”on the deployment of Verification Verification, the relevant provinces to speed up the deployment of investigation. Recently, the Ministry of Agriculture and rural areas also issued a notice to request all over the further investigation of wheat destruction start, silage wheat and other types of wheat destruction, violations of the law, found together with processing. 

The person in charge said that since last year, wheat production has experienced anti-autumn flood, promoting weak seedlings, pest control and other levels, through multiple efforts, the current wheat growth is good, good harvest situation is not easy. In the next step, the Ministry of Agriculture and rural areas will guide all areas to continuously strengthen wheat field management in the late stage, implement the “One spraying, three prevention”full coverage and other measures to increase production, organize the inter-district machine harvest in advance, and ensure that the grains go to the storehouse. 

The person in charge stressed that there are still about 20 days left before the wheat is ripe and harvested. For the wheat fields that have been requisitioned for construction use, construction work should also start after the wheat is ripe and harvested, and the fruits of more than 200 days’work of the farmers’friends should be cherished, chinese people’s rice bowls are served together. The person in charge said that the community together to monitor, such as the discovery of wheat damage clues, please call the Ministry of Agriculture and rural hotlines to reflect, once verified, will be seriously dealt with in accordance with the law. (Source: China Agricultural News)


Contact: Miss Zhao, Mr.Wu

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